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An irritated eye from dry eyes

Preventing Dry Eye Symptoms During Allergy Season: Tips and Tricks

Tired of that gritty feeling in your eyes accompanied by redness? Yes, dry eyes caused by allergy season are back, and it’s as frustrating as ever. It’s conflicting, —the worst of the best season. While everyone loves summer for its vibrant colors and enjoyable picnics, the cost of pollen and constant sneezing can be overwhelming.

But don’t worry! Today, Splash Tears, your companion in fighting dry eyes, is here to give you a comprehensive blog with all the information you need to protect your eyes during allergy season. We understand the importance of crystal-clear vision, so keep scrolling to discover our tips and tricks for eye protection. From soothing drops to preventive measures, we’ve got you covered! Let’s dive in and ensure your eyes stay healthy and happy all summer long.

When is allergy season?

The seasons that see the most pollen are spring and summer. This is why you tend to suffer from a runny or stuffy nose around these months. Your nose, eyes and respiratory system can be hurt by allergies. So, what causes these allergies? Below is a list with the most common allergens in the air during spring and summer.


  • Tree pollen
  • Grass pollen
  • Mold spores
  • Insects 



  • Nettle
  • Mugwort
  • Mold spores
  • Ragweed

Why do they expire?

The most common symptoms of dry eye include, teary eyes, red eyes, grittiness, and a burning sensation. If you suffer from dry eyes all year long you know the symptoms. If you only experience seasonal dry eyes you may forget about the tell-tale signs and overlook your care for a few weeks or months. To avoid prolonging your pain and discomfort let’s recap the most common symptoms below. 

Teary eyes: Watery eyes are the most common indicators of dry eye syndrome in a person. It happens because your body keeps attempting to lubricate your eye but your tears are not functional.

Blurry vision: Both water and very dry eyes can cause blurry vision. Even blinking can become difficult. To avoid these unpleasant symptoms, lubricate your eyes with Splash Tears for a long lasting relief. 

Gritty feeling: If you suffer from dry eye syndrome your tears evaporate fast. This leads to extreme dryness and a gritty sensation. It can also be worse when you suffer from allergies or dehydration.

So, how can you diminish the symptoms of dry eye disease during allergy season? Check the following tips and share this blog with a friend now! 


#1 – Protect your eyes

Prevention is key when it comes to maintaining healthy eyes. Prioritize eye protection by wearing glasses, working goggles, or any other necessary eyewear throughout your day-to-day activities. Shielding your eyes from potential hazards, such as dust, debris, or harmful chemicals, can reduce the risk of eye injuries or irritation. 

Whether you’re engaging in sports, working with tools, or participating in outdoor activities, don’t underestimate the importance of proper eye protection. Safeguarding your eyes to minimize the chances of injury and preserve their well-being.


#2 – Allergy medicine

Yes, antihistamines can make things better-ish. Antihistamines like Benadryl can reduce your allergies but at the same time they can limit your tear production. So, consume healthy oils, drink extra water, and apply your lubricating eye drops if you take antihistamines for common allergies. 

Following those steps will balance out your dry eye disease with the effects of antihistamines such as zyrtec or benadryl.Your other two options for medicine include allergy shots and steroids. Find out which one works best for you and live a life free of allergies. 


#3 – Stay hydrated

Hydration is crucial for dry eye patients, especially during allergy season. Allergies and the medications used to treat them, contribute to dehydration in your body. When you’re dehydrated, your body produces fewer tears, leading to dry and irritated eyes.

Drinking plenty of water helps maintain proper tear production and ensures that your eyes stay well lubricated. It also helps to flush out allergens from your system, reducing their impact on your eyes.

Additionally, adequate hydration promotes overall eye health and function. It can alleviate eye strain, improve focus, and reduce the likelihood of eye fatigue, which are all common symptoms experienced by dry eye patients.


#4 – Use eye drops

Allergies can trigger inflammation and irritation in your eyes, leading to dryness, redness, and discomfort. Lubricating eye drops or artificial tears, can provide relief by moisturizing and hydrating your eyes. They also wash away allergens like pollen or dust particles that accumulate on the surface of your eyes.

Find relief from the uncomfortable symptoms of dryness and irritation associated with allergy season. We recommend you consult with an eye care professional to determine the most suitable eye drops for your condition. Splash Tears lubricating eye drops are always ready to help you soothe your dry eye symptoms and stay on the go. 


#5 – Avoid smoke

Avoiding smoke is important during allergy season for dry eye patients for many reasons. Smoke from cigarettes, bonfires, or other sources, can worsen dry eye symptoms and irritate your eyes further.

Smoke contains various particles that irritate and inflame your eyes. These irritants can further contribute to dryness, redness, itching, and discomfort in individuals with dry eyes.

Smoke can act as an additional trigger for allergies, leading to increased allergic reactions and heightened symptoms. For dry eye patients, exposure to smoke can worsen their condition and make it more challenging to manage during allergy season. So, stay awake from smoke as much as you can to enjoy happy and healthy eyes.

Now that you know about allergies and dry eye syndrome, we hope you take good care of your eyes. How long have you had dry eye syndrome? What’s the most bothersome symptom you’ve experienced?

If you have further questions about dry eye syndrome or eye fatigue, send us a message. Find us on social media via Facebook and Instagram. Let’s be friends. For more eye care content, check the rest of our blogs. Don’t forget to order your bottle of Splash Tears today on Amazon and say bye to dry eye.

How to check your eye drops

For Splash Tears eye drops, you’ll want to take a look at the box. Our eye drops have the expiration date printed on the bottom of the box. Simply look for a year and a month. This means the eye drops expire on the month of said year. If you have any questions about our eye drops or sister eye drops, send us a message and we’ll help you out. In the image below you can see on the second row it reads 06 2024, that means these specific boxes expire in June of 2024. You don’t need to worry about the numbers above and below, those are lot numbers for the manufacturer.

Other eye drops will have a printed date on their box, or bottle itself as well. Always look around and ensure you are using unexpired eye drops so your eyes can stay healthy and free of bacteria.

That’s all we have today on eye drops. We hope this information and tips help you understand eye drops better. If you have any questions about dry eye syndrome or eye fatigue, send us a message on our social media channels. You can find Splash Tears on Facebook and Instagram. For more eye care content, check the rest of our blogs. Grab your bottle of Splash Tears today on Amazon and say bye to dry eye.

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