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Managing Dry Eye Symptoms in the Workplace

Having wet eyes at the office can be uncomfortable and awkward. Lucky for you, there are a few things you can do to manage dry eye symptoms. In today’s blog, you’ll learn a few techniques you can use to mitigate the symptoms of dry eye syndrome in the workplace. Anything from your diet to massage techniques to soothe your eyes. Keep reading Splash Tears’ blog to learn more about dry eye care.

What are dry eye symptoms?

When your eyes don’t produce enough or good enough tears, you suffer from dry eye syndrome. Dry eye symptoms include itchy eyes, red eyes, watery eyes, and more. If you have one or several of these symptoms, you may suffer from dry eye syndrome. 


Below is a list of the most common symptoms of dry eye disease.


  • Dryness: Your eyes may feel dry and gritty, like something foreign is in them.
  • Redness: The blood vessels in the whites of the eyes may appear more prominent or bloodshot.
  • Itching: Your eyes may feel itchy or irritated, prompting frequent rubbing.
  • Burning sensation: Your eyes may experience a burning or stinging sensation.
  • Excessive tearing: Dry eyes can trigger an overproduction of tears as a protective mechanism.
  • Blurry vision: Vision may become temporarily blurred, especially during periods of prolonged visual concentration, such as reading or using a computer.
  • Sensitivity to light: Dry eye syndrome can make your eyes more sensitive to light, causing you discomfort in bright environments.
  • Eye fatigue: Prolonged periods of visual activity may lead to eye fatigue and a feeling of heaviness in the eyes.
  • Discomfort with contact lenses: People with dry eye syndrome struggle to wear contact lenses or may experience lens intolerance.

Treatment for dry eye syndrome

There are several options for dry eye syndrome management, from Omega-3 capsules to dry eye relief eye drops. So, what can you do to manage these pesky symptoms while at work without looking like you’re struggling in life. Check the tips below to learn more.

#1 – Stay Hydrated

Hydration is crucial for people with dry eye syndrome. It reduces dry eye symptoms and promotes good eye health. Dry eye syndrome occurs when there is an insufficient quantity or quality of tears to lubricate your eyes.


Without enough water in your body your eyes have bad tear production and bad tear composition. Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining adequate tear production. Tears are made of water, and dehydration can reduce your tear volume. Drinking water gives your body enough fluids to produce tears thereby preventing dryness and discomfort in your eyes.


Drink enough water during the day to maintain good hydration levels and support your eye health. It’s important to note that dry eye syndrome can have many causes. If you are experiencing persistent or severe dry eye symptoms, please consult an eye care professional for a diagnosis and treatment recommendation.

#2 – Avoid bright areas

Does your office have a bright fluorescent bulb right above your desk? You may want to move that desk or change the light? Bright environments often cause eye strain and fatigue even if you don’t suffer from dry eye disease. But as a dry eye syndrome patient you already have light sensitivity. So, adding an extra layer of light in white spaces is detrimental to your eye health.


Your office’s white lights can increase tear evaporation, make your photophobia worse and cause you to be more sensitive to screens. Some things you can do to mitigate this situation include wearing glasses with UV protection, using artificial tears, adjusting the light, adding a humidifier and taking visual breaks every 20 minutes.

#3 – Up your Omega-3 intake

This is something you can add to your routine that will deliver results everywhere, including work. Omega-3 fatty acids are good for dry eye disease because they have potential benefits for managing the condition. 


Omega-3 consumption may be beneficial for dry eye syndrome patients due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It alleviates symptoms like eye redness, irritation, and dryness by reducing inflammation. They can also improve your tear production and stability. 


Tears play a crucial role in keeping the eyes lubricated and nourished. Studies suggest that Omega-3 supplementation increases tear production and prevents tears from evaporating too fast. Omega-3 fatty acids are present in foods like fish, walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds. Other Omega-3 supplements, include fish oil or krill oil capsules. Get yours today to reduce the symptoms of dry eye disease.

#4 – Avoid fans and vents

One thing that will make your eyes watery fast is vents and fans. A vent right above your desk or a fan’s airflow hitting you right in the face can irritate your eyes by drying them further. This in return will make your eyes watery and teary. To avoid this you can move away from air sources and you can also wear UV/Blue light glasses. 


Another reason why fans and air conditioners are bad for your dry eyes is because they reduce the humidity in your environment. Low humidity makes your tears evaporate faster and worsens your dry eye symptoms. Dry air can also make the eyes feel dry, itchy, and uncomfortable. To protect your eyes and minimize dry eye symptoms use a humidifier, avoid sitting in front of fans or vents, use eyewear, and apply artificial tears as needed.

#5 – Use artificial tears

One thing you can do to mitigate dry eye is use artificial tears. Artificial tears are real tears’ copy cats. They’re formulated to hydrate and lubricate your eyes so you can keep doing what you love. They act as a lubricant to moisturize the surface of your eyes. They help supplement the natural tears and provide temporary relief from dryness, irritation, and discomfort associated with dry eye disease. 


Artificial tears reduce friction between the eyelids and the surface of the eyes, promoting comfort. Splash Tears has electrolytes to keep your eyes hydrated for longer. They provide hydration to the ocular surface and soothe the dryness that is characteristic of dry eye syndrome. Artificial tears reduce symptoms like itchiness, grittiness, and burning sensation by improving the moisture balance.


Artificial tears help improve the stability of the tear film. The tear film is composed of multiple layers that work together to protect and nourish the eyes. Dry eye disease can disrupt the normal composition and stability of the tear film, leading to increased tear evaporation. Artificial tears restore the tear film’s integrity, reduce tear evaporation, and maintain a more stable tear film.

Share this blog with a coworker who suffers from dry eye disease. We hope this blog helps you deal with your dry eye symptoms. If you struggle with dry eye disease, use Splash Tears in the mornings and before bed. Your eyes will thank you for it. You can follow us on Facebook and Instagram. For more eye care content, check the rest of our blogs. Grab your bottle of Splash Tears today on Amazon and say goodbye to dry eye.

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